Looking for a Nanny in Sydney?

As a leading nanny agency in Sydney, SleepBaker offers reliable and trained nannies with over 10 years of experience. Our candidates undergo thorough reviews and are skilled in childcare, ensuring your family receives exceptional care.

Our Professional Approach

At SleepBaker, we understand the unique needs of each home. Our professional approach involves introducing the best nannies quickly and providing ongoing support after hiring, ensuring a seamless experience for your family.

In addition to our standard childcare services, we also provide:

Night Nanny

SleepBaker offers night nannies to provide parents with restful nights. With experienced and caring nannies, you can sleep soundly, knowing your baby is in good hands.

Travel Nanny

Planning a vacation and worried about long flights with a baby? Hire a SleepBaker travel nanny for full-service care, making your trip smoother and more relaxed.

Why Choose SleepBaker?

  • Elite Talent Pool: We select only the best candidates, ensuring all our nannies have the highest qualifications, personality, and experience.
  • Tailored Matches: Each family is unique, and we excel at matching caregivers to meet your specific needs and values.
  • Global Expertise: With extensive industry experience, SleepBaker offers unparalleled expertise in private childcare, providing the best candidates worldwide.
  • Comprehensive Support: We build long-term partnerships, offering continuous support, advice, and solutions throughout your childcare journey.
  • Quality Assurance: We guarantee the quality of our services. If you're not satisfied, we will resolve the situation at no extra charge or offer an alternative match.
  • Trusted Reputation: SleepBaker Nannies Agency has a proven track record and a high reputation in the industry, trusted by discerning families worldwide.

Get In Touch

Book your perfect nanny with SleepBaker today and experience our exceptional service. CONTACT US TODAY