Terms of service

Cancellation or illness

If your child becomes ill and is unable to commence the sleep program then the program may be postponed to a mutually agreed upon later date. (this is at the sleep consultants discretion and depends upon availability)

Safe sleep compliance

I agree to follow safe sleeping practices in line with SIDS recommendations. These recommendations can be found here. https://rednose.com.au/section/safe-sleeping. By purchasing a package with SleepBaker, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to these recommendations. 

Medical disclosure

I agree to share any medical conditions or relevant medical history with SleepBaker prior to the commencement of sleep training

I agree to check with my GP if my child has any medical conditions which prevent him/her from being sleep trained safely

SleepBaker advice is a guide only. I agree to seek medical advice from other professionals in matters relating to lactation, nutrition, weight gain, medical conditions etc if needed. 

I acknowledge that SleepBaker programs are completely independent from Australian state and territory public health systems and the APHRA registration board.  

Follow on support

I acknowledge that at the completion of SleepBaker programs I will be provided with comprehensive follow on advice and when/how to implement routine changes. The completion of a program entitles me to reply to SleepBaker “wrap up” email with any outstanding queries or questions that I have about my child’s sleep in the future.

By purchasing a package, I agree to adhere to and respect the support period time frame offered. Continued follow on support is not offered free of charge (unless specified by SleepBaker) and if further assistance is required then a follow up package can be purchased. I understand that emails, text messages or phone calls made to SleepBaker outside of these agreed upon support periods may not be replied to or actioned.

I acknowledge that if SleepBaker routine/sleep plan and settling strategy is not implemented correctly or if “old habits” are reintroduced then my child’s sleep may regress significantly. This is not clause for me to receive complimentary follow on advice from SleepBaker outside of our agreed upon support period.

Privacy and handling of sleep information

I acknowledge that any advice given to me from SleepBaker (both verbally and in writing ie. sleep plans) are intend for my use and my use alone. Sleep plans are classified as intellectual property belonging to SleepBaker and should not be shared with a third party (unless that third party is a medical professional in which case, sharing and collaborating with your doctor or health care team is supported and encouraged). I also acknowledge that no two babies are the same and therefore sharing SleepBaker’s advice with other parents or carers could potentially be inappropriate for another baby/child.